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Upnor Sailing club provides a cruising programme for those that like to sail in company along the east coast with the occasional trip even going across channel throughout the year. - These cruises are organised by a group of volunteers in the club that try to organise them in such a way that they can accommodate all sizes of boats and the wide range of skill levels of the skippers.


Normally each cruise will have a get together in some form or another at a venue at the destination so people have a chance to share their experiences. For the cross channel and longer cruises there are usually briefings a few days where knowledge is shared for less experienced sailors.


In general the club is currently more focused on cruising due to the demand from the current membership but we also have very good racing facilities with a start line from the club house. We have a mix of fun races during our cruises and serious races where members of neighboring clubs also join in.

For more information of our upcoming cruises and races please check the calendar of events page.

Upnor Sailing Club is for sailing vessels and does not cater for motorboats and other watercraft. 




Throughout the year the club hosts a wide range of functions which are organised by the social committee. These events range from barbecues during the summer to themed parties and formal dinners. Members may also book and use the club facilities for their own private functions. The majority of the functions are held during the off season as during the summer month most people tend to be on cruises.


The clubhouse opens regularly on Friday evenings and Sunday afternoons. During the summer the Sundays tend to be slightly later when people return from the weekend cruises. During February and March, the club tends to open on Friday evenings where we try to organise informal talk evenings.

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